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Abandonment of Poll

Notice of Abandonment of Poll

 The Rural Municipality of Cupar No. 218

Municipal Elections 2020

Whereas Ray Orb, nominated for the office of Reeve, was the only candidate for Reeve, I hereby give notice that no voting for this office will take place on Monday, November 9, 2020.

Whereas Daryl Frank, nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No. 3,

was the only candidate for the Division, I hereby give notice that no voting for this office will take place on Monday, November 9, 2020.

Whereas Greg Ermel, nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No. 5,

was the only candidate for the Division, I hereby give notice that no voting for this office will take place on Monday, November 9, 2020.

Dated this 8th day of October, 2020.



Nikki Czemeres, Returning Officer


Call for Nominations




Public notice is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of:

                   – Reeve

                    – Councillor for Division No. 1

                    – Councillor for Division No. 3

                   – Councillor for Division No. 5


will be received by the undersigned at the municipal office during normal office hours until the 7th day of October, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. local time.


And on Nomination Day Wednesday, October 7, 2020 from 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.


Nomination forms may be obtained from the municipal office located at 113 Landsdowne Street in Cupar, SK


Dated this 9th day of September, 2020

Nikki Czemeres

Returning Officer


Seasonal Help Wanted

The R.M. of Cupar No. 218 is looking for someone to mow road side ditches and perform other duties as directed. A valid driver’s license and the ability to operate a tractor is a requirement.

If interested please contact the:
R.M. of Cupar No. 218
Box 400
Cupar, SK
S0G 0Y0

RE: Road Ban Exemptions

Introduction of Road Ban Exemptions

The Government of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) are working with rural municipalities (RMs) to provide consent to determine which roads can handle secondary weights for priority goods.

RMs are encouraged to work with highway officials to determine whether or not to allow the same weights on their local roads. Providing higher weight limits will require close monitoring by highway and municipal officials to ensure that if conditions changes or if road damage occurs, weight restrictions can be re-applied to ensure road safety – and minimize the need for costly repairs.

Shippers are reminded to check in to ensure they understand what restrictions are in place on provincial roads: . Official spring restriction orders are issued every Tuesday and Friday by 12:30 p.m. (CST) during the ban period.

As well, there will be no permit requirements for priority goods for this year only. Routes will be determined in collaboration with local authorities based on local conditions.

Meeting via Electronic Means

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the regular meetings of Council will take place via electronic means to avoid contact with others and practice physical distancing.  Our next three regular meeting of Council will be April 9, 2020, May 8, 2020 and June 12, 2020.

Holiday Hours

December 24 – 8:30-12:00

December 25 – Closed

December 26 – Closed

December 27 – 8:30-4:00

December 31 – 8:30-4:00

January  1-3 – Closed

January 6 – Closed

Crop Insurance Industry Letter

October 8, 2019

Dear Industry Partners:

Re:  2019 Harvest

The Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) understands the challenges producers are facing this fall due to recent heavy rain and snow delaying harvest. I would like to take this opportunity to provide some information about coverage options available to Saskatchewan farmers and ranchers.

Crop Insurance provides coverage for both yield and quality loss on insured crops. It is important producers stay in contact with SCIC about their crop quality. Our offices will be able to identify producers who appear to be in a claim position due to quality losses.

If a Crop Insurance customer wants to put their crop to an alternate use, they simply need to contact their local SCIC office or Crop Insurance Customer Service toll-free line, at 1-888-935-0000. SCIC is committed to dispatching our adjusters to process producer’s pre-harvest appraisal, as timely as possible. In order to provide an accurate inspection for both yield and quality loss, SCIC prefers a harvested check-strip, with an adjuster present, to complete a producer’s appraisal and calculate any potential claim.

For those livestock producers worried about nitrates and other quality issues with feed stock or inquiring about winter feed plans, resources are available through the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture. Ministry specialists are available to assist producers with obtaining an analysis of their feed and developing a feeding plan for their livestock. Livestock and Feed Extension Specialists can also assist producers in management and planning when faced with salvaging grain crops for livestock forage. I encourage producers to please contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377 or take advantage of the current SaskAgNow article discussing managing winter feeding with alternative feed sources, feed testing, winder feeding plans and; canola hay/silage for livestock:

With crops currently still out in the field, I want to also remind your members about the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. All Saskatchewan producers are eligible for coverage. Producers do not have to be a Crop Insurance customer to be eligible to submit a claim. Producers are encouraged to contact SCIC as soon as damage is detected: 1-888-935-0000. SCIC continues to monitor Wildlife Damage calls over the weekends during harvest season.

For those producer’s enrolled in AgriStability for the 2019 program year, lower than expected yields and crop quality downgrading could impact a participant’s margin. AgriStability participants can apply for an interim benefit before the year is over. Interim benefits allow producers to receive up to 50 per cent of their AgriStability benefit early. If producers have questions about AgriStability, they can contact their local SCIC office or call the AgriStability Call Centre at 1-866-270-8450.

As a producer myself, I understand this is a stressful time. The Farm Stress Line is available at

1-800-667-4442. This is a 24/7 confidential service, available to producers across the province. Whether your members are seeking information, or trying to manage a conflict or crisis, I encourage producers to reach out and seek assistance, if needed.

I am hopeful 2019 harvest will be completed through October and November. In the event harvest is further delayed and producers are unable to harvest their crop by November 15, Crop Insurance customers have the option to request an extension of insurance. An extension of insurance provides coverage on insured crops over winter. November 15 is also the deadline to file a claim and/or report their production declaration, following the completion of harvest. For more information on this, or any of SCIC’s programs, please visit our website:

We are currently monitoring the weather and harvest progress. SCIC is working alongside the Ministry of Agriculture, and our industry partners, to keep producers informed. I would encourage you to share this information with your members and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact my office.


Shawn Jaques
President and CEO

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation

New Rules for Semi Operators in the Ag Sector

Mandatory Training for Drivers of Semis Used in Agriculture Operation

New training requirements for those wishing to drive a semi in agriculture operations will be phased in starting next year. The changes follow the implementation of 121.5 mandatory training hours for Class 1 commercial semi drivers that came into effect March 15, 2019.
Training impacts for the ag sector are as follows:

  • Effective March 1, 2020, anyone wishing to obtain an “F” endorsement on their existing driver’s licence will be required to take 40 hours of commercial driver training.  The “F” endorsement will include a restriction that the holder can drive a farm vehicle normally requiring a Class 1 driver’s licence only within a 100-km radius of the address on the vehicle registration, and is restricted to operating within Saskatchewan’s borders.
  • Effective March 1, 2021, the “F” endorsement will be eliminated and anyone wanting to operate a semi will require a Class 1 driver’s licence, which will include taking the full 121.5-hour mandatory training program.  This includes all “F” endorsement holders, who will need to complete the training program.*  Drivers who have previously taken 40 hours of training toward the “F” endorsement will be given credit for those hours.

The changes mean that in 2021, mandatory training programs across the prairies will be completely aligned.

*Anyone who obtained a Class 1 licence before mandatory training was implemented is allowed to continue to drive a semi. 

More information can be found here.

Fire Ban

The Rural Municipality of Cupar #218 has issued a Level 1 fire ban effective June 4, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.  The ban is as follows:

Open burning in the municipality is banned due to dry, high risk fire spread conditions.  It is recommended Agriculture and Industrial operations with water tanks at their disposal have those filled and accessible at all times. 

LEVEL 1 Fire Ban

Open burning in the R.M. of Cupar #218 is banned. 

A Level 1 Fire Ban includes:

  1. Controlled burns
  2. Incinerators (for farm and acreage use)
  3. All burning barrels
  4. Fireworks

Exemptions to a level 1 fire ban (with a plan to extinguish a fire) are:

  1. Camp Stoves
  2. Solid Fuel Barbecues/Recreational Camp Fires
  3. Liquid fuel barbecues (propane or natural gas )

This order takes effect on June 4, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. and is in effect until further notice.  Please be advised a minimum fine for starting a fire is $500 plus the cost of the fire departments being dispatched. 

For further information contact the RM office at (306) 723-4726 or [email protected]