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2023 Spring Road Bans in effect

Pursuant to section 35(1) of “The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997” it is hereby ordered that effective Friday April 7, 2023, at 12:01 AM and until further notice, vehicles other than those exempted in Part II, section 3 (2)and 3 (5) of “The Vehicle Weight and Dimensions Regulations, 2010”, shall be restricted as follows:
Steering Axle
•10.0 kg per mm (560 pounds per inch) width of tire (manufacturer’s stamped dimension) toa maximum of
• 5,500 kg on the steering axle for a truck or truck tractor equipped with a single steeringaxle.
•11,000 kg on the steering axle group for a truck or truck tractor equipped with a tandem axle steeringgroup.
Other Axles
•6.25 kg per mm (350 pounds per inch) width of tire (manufacturer’s stamped dimension) to a maximumof:
•1,650 kg (3,638 pounds) per tire, or
•2,630 kg per tire for axles equipped with single tires with a width of 445 mm or greater.
This order does not permit the weight on any axle, axle group or vehicle from exceeding the maximum weight prescribed in the “The Vehicle Weight and Dimension Regulations, 2010” for that axle, axle group or vehicle.
The restriction does not apply to:
•Emergency vehicles,
•Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure vehicles and municipal maintenance equipment whenconducting maintenance or accessing sites on or along the restricted highway,
•SaskPower, SaskEnergy and SaskTel vehicles when accessing sites along the restricted route,
•Recreational vehicles,
•Farm Equipment operated or towed,
•Vehicles directly crossing a Provincial Highway at an intersecting public highway or private road.