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Farm Business Development Initiative

Farm Business Development Initiative
 The Farm Business Development Initiative (FBDI) is an initiative that is delivered by the Ministry of Agriculture as part of Growing Forward 2. FBDI helps farmers obtain information, training and consulting services that will enhance their ability to make sound business decisions. There are two components to the FBDI: Information and Training & Consulting.

The information portion covers farm business management practices and the Ministry of Agriculture also holds workshops and seminars relating to farm business management. The training & consulting portion allows farmers to apply for financial support for training and consulting services that fall within any of the 8 progressive farm business management practices.

 The 8 business management areas are as follows:
  • Business strategy
  • Marketing
  • Production Economics
  • Human Resources
  • Financial Management
  • Succession Planning
  • Business Structure
  • Environmental Strategy
 Eligible farmers may be reimbursed 75 per cent of eligible training costs up to $10,000 to offset the costs of training and reimbursed 50 per cent of eligible consulting costs up to $5,000.
 Please visit for more information regarding the FBDI.

Grain Bag Disposal

According to the Ministry of the Environment, it is illegal to burn grain bags on public OR private property.  Fines for burning grain bags range from $0 – $1 million dollars based on the severity of the offense. The most relevant restrictions related to grain bag burning can be found in The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2002, under Section 4(1) – Prohibition on discharges and in The Clean Air Regulations under Section 11 – Prohibition, burning.

At this time, there are 6 waste collection sites that take grain bags with an additional 6 sites to be added in the near future.  More information on these sites can be found at or by contacting Travis Quark, Simply Ag – Coordinator, at 1-866-298-7222.

Ministry of Agriculture Crop Report

Crop Report For the Period April 21 to 27, 2015

One year ago
Cold temperatures with significant moisture events delayed spring seeding. Seeding had just started in some areas in the southwest.

Follow the 2015 Crop Report on Twitter @SKAgriculture

In history
The provincial 20 year (1995 – 2014) average seeding progress for the last week in April is just under two per cent seeded.  Six per cent was seeded within the first week in May.

Saskatchewan farmers are in the field, seeding, harrowing and controlling weeds. Two per cent of the 2015 crop is in the ground. The five-year (2010-2014) average for this time of year is less than one per cent.

Producers in the southwest have been seeding for a couple of weeks already, and have seven per cent of the crop in. Some areas in the southwest are reporting 20 per cent seeded. Significant rain and snow over the weekend, particularly in areas of the central and northern regions, have delayed seeding and field work. Most producers are hoping to be in the field again at the start of next week.

The southeastern region has four per cent seeded. All other regions have very little, if any, crop in the ground to date.

Topsoil moisture conditions on cropland are rated as 20 per cent surplus, 76 per cent adequate and four per cent short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated as 11 per cent surplus, 80 per cent adequate and nine per cent short.

Pasture conditions are rated as 12 per cent excellent, 53 per cent good, 26 per cent fair and nine per cent poor. Some pastures have excess moisture or are slow to green up.

Areas in the eastern regions are reporting excess moisture. Precipitation during the past week varied across the province, with some central regions reporting 75 mm. Areas in the north reported receiving up to 20 cm of snow. Weather has generally been good for spring calving.

East-Central Saskatchewan (Crop District 5 – Melville, Yorkton, Cupar, Kamsack, Foam Lake, Preeceville and Kelvington areas; Crop District 6A – Lumsden, Craik, Watrous and Clavet areas)

Cold temperatures and wet weather are delaying seeding in most of the east-central region. A large amount of water is lying in many fields, and there has been some localized flooding of secondary roads, which limits access to some areas. Crop reporters are indicating that general seeding may not begin for at least another week or more.

The region reported varying amounts of precipitation this week, ranging from nil to 75 mm in the Bradwell area. This area has also received the greatest amount of precipitation since April 1 (80 mm). The northern area of CD 6A received snow as well.

Topsoil moisture conditions on cropland are reported as 44 per cent surplus and 56 per cent adequate. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated as 30 per cent surplus and 70 per cent adequate. CD 6A is reporting that 61 per cent of cropland and 46 per cent of hay land and pasture have surplus topsoil moisture.

Pasture conditions are rated as five per cent excellent, 41 per cent good, 34 per cent fair, 17 per cent poor and three per cent very poor. Excess moisture and cool conditions are delaying pasture growth.

Farmers are busy working on equipment, controlling weeds, putting down anhydrous ammonia fertilizer and waiting to seed. There are a couple of reports of farmers picking up harvest from where they left off last fall.

Dust Control for 2015

The RM of Cupar is offering dust control to ratepayer’s who wish to receive it.  You will be responsible for the cost of the application and it averages $700 per farm site.  If you would like to receive dust control, please contact the office at (306) 723-4726.


2015 Beaver Bounty

The RM of Cupar is once again able to be part of the 2015 Beaver Control Program.  The program pays a $30 bounty for problem beavers removed from the Municipality.  To claim the bounty under this program, please bring the frozen or fresh beaver tail to the Municipal Office where they will be counted and sprayed.  You will then be asked to complete an Affidavit stating where the beavers were removed from.   

Update on PDAP info night

The info night will be held at the hall in Cupar, SK on Monday, May 4 at 5:00 and there will be representation from Water Security Agency, Provincial Disaster Assistance Program and Emergency Flood Damage Reduction Program.

2015 Assessment Roll

Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Cupar #218 for the year 2015 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the following days:  Monday to Friday from April 24 to May 24, 2015 excluding holidays.

A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with:  The Assessor, R.M. of Cupar No. 218, Box 400, Cupar, SK, S0G 0Y0 on or before May 24, 2015

Dated this 20th day of April, 2015

Nikki Czemeres, Assessor

PDAP information night

The RM of Cupar will be hosting a PDAP information night on May 4, 2015 at 5:00 where you can come and get information and help filling out your PDAP application.  I will confirm location shortly.