Sask Power Outage over Christmas
Interesting article on the outages.
Interesting article on the outages.
There is a culvert going in so follow detour signs and expect delays. Thank you for your cooperation.
Cattle Market Update
For the Week Ending November 20, 2015
Canfax reported that a total of 37,750 head of cattle were sold in Saskatchewan this week, down from 42,142 head marketed the previous week. Prices were lower on general market weakness with lower feeder cattle demand in Western Canada. Canadian feeder cattle exports to the U.S. over the last eight weeks ending November 7, 2015 were down almost 75 per cent from 2014 and down almost 54 per cent from 2013; compared to the same eight week periods.
Saskatchewan feeder steer prices were lower over the week in all weight categories. Prices declined between $4.04 per cwt and $14.25 per cwt, from the previous week. The 800-900 lb. feeder steer weight category had the largest loss declining $14.25 per cwt. Feeder steer prices overall averaged almost $10 per cwt lower in the different weight categories.
Saskatchewan feeder heifer prices over the week were also lower in all weight categories. Feeder heifer prices over the week declined between $7.84 per cwt and $15.08 per cwt. The 700-800 lb. feeder heifer weight category had the largest loss declining $15.08 per cwt, with overall feeder heifer prices declining by over $11 per cwt on average over the week.
The Saskatchewan 750 lb. feeder steer basis compared to the November 19, 2015, U.S. feeder cattle index at US$174.39 per cwt was calculated at $2.82 per cwt (US$174.39/0.7493-$229.92), a basis widening (negative) of $2.00 per cwt from the basis of $0.82 per cwt the previous week.
Not RM related but thought it was good enough to share. Some religion so if it doesn’t apply to use just modify it to what does.
1. Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you. Wear nice shoes.
2. If you sit for more than 11 hours a day, there’s a 50% chance you’…ll die within the next 3 years.
3. There are at least 6 people in the world who look exactly like you. There’s a 9% chance that you’ll meet one of them in your lifetime.
4. Sleeping without a pillow reduces back pain and keeps your spine stronger.
5. A person’s height is determined by their father, and their weight is determined by their mother.
6. If a part of your body “falls asleep”, You can almost always “wake it up” by shaking your head.
7. There are three things the human brain cannot resist noticing – food, attractive people and danger.
8. Right-handed people tend to chew food on their right side.
9. Putting dry tea bags in gym bags or smelly shoes will absorb the unpleasant odor.
10. According to Albert Einstein, if honey bees were to disappear from earth, humans would be dead within 4 years.
11. There are so many kinds of apples, that if you ate a new one every day, it would take over 20 years to try them all.
12. You can survive without eating for weeks, but you will only live 11 days without sleeping.
13. People who laugh a lot are healthier than those who don’t.
14. Laziness and inactivity kills just as many people as smoking.
15. A human brain has a capacity to store 5 times as much information as Wikipedia.
16. Our brain uses the same amount of power as a 10-watt light bulb!!
17. Our body gives enough heat in 30 minutes to boil 1.5 liters of water!!
18. The Ovum egg is the largest cell and the sperm is the smallest cell!!
19. Stomach acid (conc. HCl) is strong enough to dissolve razor blades!!
20. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day & while you walk, SMILE. It is the ultimate antidepressant.
21. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
22. When you wake up in the morning, pray to ask God’s guidance for your purpose, today.
23. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
24. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds.
25. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
26. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts and things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
27. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
28. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
29. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive them for everything.
30. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
31. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
32. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
33. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
34. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
35. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: ‘In five years, will this matter?’
36. Help the needy, Be generous! Be a ‘Giver’ not a ‘Taker’
37. What other people think of you is none of your business.
38. Time heals everything.
39. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
40. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. Each night before you go to bed, pray to God and be thankful for what you accomplished, today. What if you woke up this morning and only had what you thanked God for yesterday? DON’T FORGET TO THANK GOD FOR EVERYTHING.
43. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
RCMP Constable Kyle Kifferling is living the dream.
“Growing up on a farm near Southey I was always around RCMP members,” he said. “I always knew I wanted to be a police officer ever since I was small.”
When he was 16, he did a work experience placement at the local detachment that solidified the dream. As soon as he was finished high school he applied and within months he was at depot in Regina.
Fresh out of depot he was assigned to Bella Bella, a remote fly-in-only detachment in British Columbia. From there it was off to Fort St. John, B.C. for two years where his boss was associated with the Musical Ride. It inspired Kifferling to apply.
“I wouldn’t say I was a rider,” he said. “Growing up in Saskatchewan, obviously, I’ve been on horses before, but not really knowing what I was doing.”
Ironically, most of the Mounted Police these days have rarely, if ever, ridden horses, but that’s nothing a rigourous training program can’t fix.
“It’s a long six months in the saddle,” Kifferling said. “They teach you from zero on up.”
The intensive preparation works.
“Doing my first show in red serge in front of a crowd, I had the butterflies at first, but once you get in there and the music gets going you settle down,” he said.
Kifferling is currently in his last year with the ride. The RCMP rotates members out after three years.
The Ride has been a very rewarding posting.
“First and foremost we are police officers,” he said. “When you’re interacting, most of the time it’s on a negative basis, responding to calls, fighting crime I guess is how you could put it, whereas the Ride is a good vehicle for us to have that connection with the public in a positive light. So going around Canada and into small communities and having that positive atmosphere is great for the RCMP.
– See more at:
Drainage Conference Flyer for Earl Grey
Provincial Drainage –
Water Management Conference
A Realistic Approach To Water Management for Agriculture Producers
Monday, December 7, 2015
Earl Grey Hall
Earl Grey, Saskatchewan
9:30 am – Opening Remarks – Water Security Agency
9:45 am – New Water Security Agency Drainage Regulations
Doug Johnson, Manager of Integrated Water Services, Water Security Agency
10:30 am – Qualified Persons and Drainage Approvals – Julie McKenzie, PAg
11:00 am – Outline of the New Drainage Complaint Process
Dwayne Rowlett, Manager, Nipawin Water Security Agency Regional Office
12:00 pm – Lunch
1:00 pm – A producer’s prospective on the benefits of forming Conservation and Development Areas Charlie Templeton – Okabena Conservation and Development Area #176
1:30 pm – A Realistic Prospective on the Impact of Agriculture Drainage
2:00 pm – Connecting Rural Municipalities to Emergency Response Situations and the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program – Saskatchewan Ministry of Government Relations
2:45 pm – Coffee
3:00 pm – Available Funding for Agriculture Water Management Projects
3:30 pm – Emergency Flood Damage Control Program
Gary Neil – EFDP Program Manager Water Security Agency
Register for the Conference by contacting Colleen Fenning at 306-946-6533or email to [email protected] before NOVEMBER 30, 2015
Cost: $75 per person (includes lunch)
Saskatchewan’s Fallen SoldiersWe pay tribute to the 11 soldiers with Saskatchewan ties who have been killed in the line of duty since the start of the Afghanistan mission.
Posted by Global Saskatoon on Thursday, 11 November 2010
2016 Subsidized Trees Shelterbelt Program Launch
I am pleased to announce the launching of the 2016 Shelterbelt Program from HELP’s new 160 acre tree farm a few miles outside of Weyburn. HELP has produced and harvested an unprecedented 600,000 container root tree seedlings for the 2016 program. This program builds on our 2015 program that marketed close to 300,000 subsidized $1.50 trees to landowners across all three prairie provinces.
Type of Trees
I am pleased to inform that 100% of the trees provided for the 2016 program are container root trees produced at HELP nurseries at Weyburn. Container root seedlings are considered by many to be far more superior to bare root varieties for the reason that container root seedlings can be transported and planted while dormant or while in full leaf during the growing season. However, spring or fall planting are still considered the best options.
Program Roll-Out Saturday, November 8, 2015
Beginning Saturday, November 8, HELP will be taking application for trees. As per promise, the HELP subsidized rate of $1.50 per seedling for shelterbelt quantities of 300 trees or more combining all varieties ordered continues. Price is $2.50 per seedling for global orders less than 300 seedlings. HELP will not consider orders less than 50 trees global order. This helps to protect private greenhouse interests.
Any order of 50 trees or more is considered a shelterbelt program. So this is the simple method HELP is using to allow farms, schools, towns, and environmental organizations to qualify. That is, if someone is ordering 50 trees or more HELP assumes the trees are not being used for strictly ornamental reasons.
November Early Bird Discount
HELP is offering an unprecedented 6% discount for November tree orders.
Methods of Ordering
There are several ways of ordering trees. To order trees the public can:
iii) Make a telephone order by calling HELP at 306-842-2433 or to 306-897-5411
Varieties of Trees
In this first year of utilizing 100% HELP produced trees, HELP focused on 600,000 tree production of the fastest growing hybrid poplar and willow varieties only. These included
Hybrid Poplars: Walker, Okanese and Assiniboine
Willow Varieties: Golden, Silver leaf and Pussy Willow
Simple Shelterbelt Design
These varieties, properly planned can create the quickest possible shelterbelt. A simple effective four row shelterbelt for a 500 meter long shelterbelt might be:
Outside Row: Mixed Willow (100 Golden and 100 Silver leaf) planted at 2.5 meter spacing
2nd Row: 200 Walker Poplar with trees planted at 2.5 meter (8 foot) spacing
Inside Row: 200 Okanese of Assiniboine Poplar planted at 2.5 meter spacing
Total Trees Required for Above 500 meter Shelterbelt Program: 800 Tree Seedlings
Total Cost for Tree Seedlings for this 500 meter x Four Row Program:
800 regular size seedlings @ $1.50 = $1,200
6% discount for November Purchase: ($ 76)
Sub-Total: $ 1,128
Packaging and Shipping: 800 Seedlings @$0.14 = $ 112
New Sub-Total: $1,240
GST: $ 62
Total for Manitoba and Alberta Customers: $1,302
PST for Sask Residents Only: $ 62
Total for Sask Residents: $1,364 (for 800 trees on four rows of 500 meters each)
For the above four row shelterbelt program at four meter spacing between rows, the landowner would have fine till to six inch depth like a garden, 50 foot width x 500 meters long around the property.
New tree Varieties in the works at HELP:
The following is the roll out for additional trees in the near future:
Fall 2016: Lilac, Manitoba Maple
Fall 2017: Tristis Poplar, North West Poplar, American Elm, Laurel Willow
Lowest Maintenance Tree Planting Suggestion
The lowest maintenance tree planting involves planting the trees, then installing plastic mulch film by machine that HELP can loan out (HELP also sells the plastic mulch film) and lastly broadcast and harrow 30 lb per acre or more of common creeping red fescue. Costs for the 50 lb of fescue for this is about $109. Plastic mulch for this 2,000 meter (500 meter x four rows) planting woudl be 4.33 rolls of mulch …meaning 5 rolls of mulch at $192.50 per roll including taxes = $962.50. Alberta and Manitoba customers can purchase mulch from vendors in their provinces to save on freight.
Rodney Sidloski, CEO
HELP International
Tel: 306-842-2433