Thinking of Running for Council? Part 1
1. Running for Municipal Office
- bring the perspectives of your demographic to the decision-making table
- influence changes that benefit your community and ensure its sustainability
- put forward new ideas for debate and possible implementation and change
- make a positive difference in the quality of life in your community
- provide a voice for your community with other levels of government
- be part of a team that makes decisions that affect all aspects of community life
It’s not crucial to have education or experience in a government setting to run as a candidate. You likely have skills, knowledge and abilities that are transferable to the elected official’s role.
You may want to undertake a self-assessment of your skills prior to running for elected office.
Think about your:
- volunteer experience
- community involvement
- work experience
- membership in different organizations
- family life
Often your experiences have taught you how to:
- work as part of a team
- organize and prioritize
- make decisions
- debate
- lead
The Local Government Election Act, 2015 (LGEA) provides the requirements for candidates in municipal elections.
In the case of a rural municipality (RM)
- on the day of election is 18 years of age, and
- a Canadian citizen
- a resident of Saskatchewan
- is eligible to vote in the RM