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RE: TransGas Limited – Flare Notification NW 06-23-18 W2M

Please be advised that TransGas Limited (TransGas), a wholly owned subsidiary of SaskEnergy Incorporated, is planning to complete a scheduled flare at the above location. The flare is in conjunction with upcoming maintenance work taking place in the area.

The flare will be conducted on Tuesday, October 2nd through Sunday, October 6th at the existing TransGas block valve site at the above location, which is located within the RM of Cupar and north of Highway #22, approximately 1 kilometer southwest of the Town of Southey. While the infrastructure is isolated from the rest of the system, flaring is required to remove the remaining gas prior to work commencing. Flaring is an industry standard procedure when natural gas needs to be released from a gas line and reduces the carbon footprint of the vented natural gas by 85 per cent. For more information regarding flaring and its purposes, please refer to the SaskEnergy video at the following link SaskEnergy Spotlight: Natural Gas Flaring.

The proposed schedule is from 8:00am to 5:00pm on each of the above dates, which are subject to change based on operating requirements. Please note there will be no interruptions to existing residential gas services during these activities.
Scheduled work on our facilities and infrastructure supports the safe and reliable delivery of natural gas to all customers. All proposed work is being conducted in accordance with industry best practices and complies with associated provincial regulations.